The Alternative Leader Podcast

The Alternative Leader Podcast - Tammy Banks

Mari Williams, The Mind Architect Season 2 Episode 1

Tammy came out of an abusive childhood determined to enable others to do the same. Homeless at 15, she sought out education and turned her life around. A brilliant mother, partner and leader, she shines with passion about her mission to change training, so it is powerful, effective and creates lasting impact.  After working in a variety of roles from hostels to forensic psychology she was then the CEO of a charity. She is now the founder of Taye Training.  

Listen to Tammy’s story of how she went from surviving to thriving whilst changing the world.  
Warning: Themes of abuse and suicide (although no details) are included.  

To connect with Tammy :

Watch Tammy’s origin story in her TEDx talk here

Join her Facebook group 

Linked in 

Twitter @tammybanksy 

For more information visit