The Alternative Leader Podcast

The Alternative Leader Podcast - Lucy Barkas

Mari Williams, The Mind Architect Season 2 Episode 2

Lucy Barkas founded 3WH, a leadership and team development consultancy in 2013 after working as a leader in the energy industry. She works with leaders and their teams to build organisations they are proud of.

Author, Podcast host and regular BBC Radio contributor, her clients include private clients to international conglomerates.

She was the archetypal good girl, and followed the traditional path – head girl, uni, job, married, kids, career – all ticked off the list by the time she was 30. She was living the dream, except it wasn’t bliss, nor a nightmare.

She was coasting. By 35 she was divorced, left her job and sold her house and started again, and that’s when she started living.

Since then, she has worked with hundreds of leaders to coach them to lead authentically, build high performing cultures and make an impact. Author of the bestselling book, LeaderX, she presents a rallying cry to the next generation of leaders to step up, take control and start leading with impact.

Her initial curiosity was why do people behave the way they do and this led her to discover what shapes a leader, teams and high performance.

You can find more from Lucy here: 
